Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Can't think of anything!

I can't think of anything to write.
Do you guys have any questions?


  1. What timing! I was just writing you a card and had all these questions but didn't want to wait so long for an answer... How do the Beninese celebrate birthdays, or do they at all? What holidays do they celebrate? What "cause" has touched you the most over there (ie: what do the Benin people need the most that we Americans could help with, or are they doing just fine without us thank you very much?) That's just a few off the top of my head...:-)

  2. Oh, and also, what would you like for us to send? Is there anything in particular that you are missing?

  3. Here's another one:
    Katie wants to know if you have seen an wild animals like lions and tigers?
