Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What I do in a day

Well, today I'm sick and at the PC med unit waiting for blood work to come back and say I have a very minor case of food poisoning. But, I'll take this time to tell you all what I do in a day (a day that I don't get shuttled back to the med unit an hour away).
6:30 - Wake up, get tangled in my mosquito net, get dressed
7:00 - Go downstairs and have breakfast
7:20 - Hail a moto/take my bike with Alex and Molly to school
8:00-17:30 - School. Usually lots of language and technical classes. (Lunch break is 12:30-1:30)
17:30 - Bike/Zemi home
18:00 - Go home and watch my mom prepare dinner
19:00 - Have dinner with just my host papa
19:30-20:30 - Boil water/Do homework/Clean
20:30-22:00 - Hang out with my friend Alex at his house or mine and just rehash the day
22:00 - Shower and go to sleep!

And that's my normal days until I go to Post in 6 weeks!
I find out where my post is on Friday! I was supposed to have an interview about it today... but I'm at the med unit. So I'm trusting God will give me the post I'm meant to have.

Someone new dropped... but we got someone added. So our number is 59 now. We've had two of out originals drop (a health and an environment vol) - but we gained an extra teacher.


  1. I hope you are out of that med unit quick and feeling better! I bet that mosquito net gets tricky! I am glad you have other Vol's to talk to! Your awesome Becca.

  2. Praying you'll feel better quickly. Glad you already have made some great friends to hang out with there. I have so many questions but I know you don't have the time to answer them! Thanks for the rundown on your day. Sounds like you're learning a lot about life in Benin.
